Policies & Expectations

Appointment Expectations

I make efforts to ensure my chair is a safe space for everyone, including myself. I expect nothing from a client that I am not, myself, willing to return. We all have different thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. It’s the beauty of being our own people. While I find other perspectives interesting and enjoy engaging in meaningful conversation, I do not tolerate hatefulness. Whether it is aimed at me or other groups of people, you will be asked to change topics. If you are unable or unwilling to do so, you may be asked to leave. In the event of a dismissal, you will not be permitted to rebook. Any appointments that may be booked online will be canceled and you may be charged 100% of your scheduled appointment.

Conversely, should I (or anyone working around me) say or do anything to make you feel uncomfortable, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! It will never be my intent and I will never be offended or angry. I care about my clients and will make every attempt to mend my errors, but unfortunately I’m no mind reader.

Payment is due at the end of your appointment without exception. If you leave without paying your full ticket cost for any reason or payment is declined, a 10% “late” fee will be added to your balance daily until the matter is resolved. This applies to bounced checks or chargebacks as well. Late or non-payment may result in the inability to recieve future services, require prepayment in order to book, or result in legal action on the ground of “theft of services”. “Theft of services” is both a civil and criminal matter and in some cases may even be considered a felony.

Any lewd comments, remarks or actions directed at myself, other renters, or clients will result in immediate dismissal, 100% charge of your scheduled appointment, and the inability to recieve any future services. The appropriate legal authorities may be contacted should it be deemed necessary.

Showing up drunk, high, or otherwise inebriated will result in immediate dismissal and a charge of 100% of your scheduled appointment. I cannot in good conscious preform any service on someone if I cannot be sure they truly want what they’re asking for. It may just be hair and it may be fixable or regrowable, but you will still be refused service and asked to reschedule once you have sobered up.

Any damage done to the building or equipment be it accident or intentional will require payment to repair or replace said item(s). This includes damages caused by friends, family, or children accompanying you. Failure or refusal to do so may lead to legal actions being taken.

Cancellations & No-Shows

Unfortunately, last minute cancellations and missed appointments leave little to no time to fill the empty time left in my schedule resulting in loss of income.

Because of this, last minute cancellations (24 hours or less) will be charged 50% of your scheduled appointment.

Day-of cancellations or missed appointments will be charged 100% of your scheduled appointment.

Arriving late to your appointment (typically 15 minutes or more) may mean we no longer have time to perform part of all of your scheduled services. In this case you may be charged up to 100% of all scheduled service amounts.

A card will be held on file through my processing app. I will NOT have access to this information and will only be able to charge anything to the provided card through that program. Charges will only be made after attempting to notify you in regards to why, when, and how much.

As a single parent and a person with chronic illness & disabilities, I understand life just happens sometimes. Should I be the one who needs to reschedule last minute, I may adjust service amounts and/or make other reparations for the inconvenience as I feel that is only fair. I value your time as much as I hope you value mine.

Inappropriate Conduct

Using any of my contact information, including but not limited to my phone number, email, and social media accounts, to reach out for anything outside of salon services will not be tolerated. Calls or texts asking for dates or to flirt are unacceptable. You will not be permitted to rebook. Any appointments made online will be canceled and you will be charged 100% of your scheduled appointment. If contact does not end after this has been made clear, the authorities may be contacted.

“On-Call” appointments

If the appointment time needed falls outside of my usual hours I may not be able to schedule you unfortunately. However, should I be able to accomodate said appointment, there is an additional cost of 25% of your scheduled appointment. My cancelation and all other policies still apply.


I try my hardest to provide my best work and see every guest leave happy. But we’re all human and sometimes things just happen. Most issues are very easily solved when addressed promptly. But I cannot fix anything if I don’t know there’s an issue. Please contact me within 5 days of your service if for any reason your results are not what you expected. I will do my best to coordinate our schedules and make any necessary adjustments asap. This offer unfortunately becomes void should you decide to see someone else or make alterations yourself before contacting or seeing me.

Because so many outside forces can affect your hair including heat, products, hard water and the like, I’m unable to offer any adjustments after the 5 day period as we may not be able to confirm it was an error on my part past that point. The offer of adjustments will also become unavailable if the problem is a result of someone else’s work or improper care (such as pool water or non-professional products removing color).

Should you have a problem yet choose to not reach out and give me the opportunity to make things right or if said problem is unable to be resolved for reasons similar to those listed, yet poor reviews or social media posts are made, I will not be able to book you in the future should you decide to return. Any appointments that may be booked online will be canceled and you may be charged a portion of your scheduled appointment.